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Indoor Air Quality is priority! Which solution and COVID-19 measures for events and sports facilities are effective?

Indoor Air Quality is priority! Which solution and COVID-19 measures for events and sports facilities are effective?

Sustainable solution for virus measures and harmful aerosols

Gyms, sports facilities, event organizations, concert halls, everyone is looking for effective measures in the fight against COVID-19 ! What measures are most effective and can a  ionization machine be part of the solution in the fight against COVID-19? How do we offer athletes and visitors an hygienic environment, while preventing contamination of viruses through the air? Clean air in the indoor, but also in the  outdoor environment should therefore be a crucial part of hygiene protocols.

How to clear spaces from harmful aerosols ?

StaticAir has been active for several years and developed innovative systems to clean very large, but also smaller indoor spaces of harmful aerosols (which is microscopic fine dust, invisible to the naked eye). Through various news sources in the media, we now learn that viruses travel on aerosols. StaticAir developed the PMR-Tube to capture these harmful aerosols through positive ionization. This PMR-Tube ensures hygienic air quality , where viruses have no chance.

Triple Protection

StaticAir produces systems that address air pollution and have an impact to counteract the spread of COVID-19. For industries where extra security must be guaranteed , we have the PMR-Tube available with triple protection, so that viruses are actually killed and the ambient air remains optimal and healthy .


Dutch product as a total solution

An additional advantage is that all StaticAir’s systems are sustainable and locally produced in the Netherlands. The integration of all systems is plug and play  and no complicated adjustments need to be made. StaticAir’s PMR-Tube can be connected to existing air ventilation ducts. Complete your air management system with PMR-Tube as an answer to the virus measures you can take right away.  

Please feel free to contact us, so that we can provide the best possible advice for every specific situation .