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Professional Silent Air Purification 99,99% designed for larger spaces 

Virus Safety in Offices and Schools

Professional IAQ (indoor air quality) control eliminating viruses with PMRu. The powerful PMRu is designed for virus purification in larger spaces. The PMRu is able to clean 700-2000m3 ambient air per hour, which makes one unit per office or classroom sufficient to create a clean, virus-free environment. The PMRu is a universally applicable system, uniquely developed to optimize indoor air quality (IAQ). This closed unit is universally applicable in any indoor space. The PMRu uses various techniques to provide security and quality in a unique and efficient way. The PMRu promotes a
healthy indoor environment.  In addition to viruses, PMRu captures harmful (ultra) fine particulate matter.

Customize your Air Purifyer!

An eye-catcher raises questions. Take the opportunity and show that a healthy working and learning environment is taken seriously. The PMRu air purifier is customizable with your own design. Inspire your colleagues or students and make a statement for a Clean Air policy.

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About the PMRu - The Silent Air Purifier 

The PMRu is easy to instal in any office or classroom. Suction from floor level traps the harmful particles into the unit, after which ionizion and filtration take care of safe and secure elimination of viruses and bacteria. Clean air is emitted on top of the unit. The operation of the unit is extremely silent to almost noise free.

Combined Filtering Methods

A combination of positive ionization, HEPA filters or BFE filters (bacterial viral filtration efficiency) can be used. Also the addition of UVC light, can provide extra security. The PMRu filtering capacity is COVID-19 approved! 

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Technology behind the PMRu

Features PMRu

  • 99.99% effective removal of viruses and bacteria *
  • ePM1 particulate matter reduction 99% * 
  • Eliminates all types of harmful aerosols from: viruses, COVID-19, bacteria, building dust, micro metals, microplastics, etc. 
  • Reduces all sizes ultra fine dust PM0.1 to PM10
  • Simple LED indication control
  • Contributes to a virus-free living and working environment
  • Sustainable energy efficient
  • HEPA or BFE filters 
  • 33dBA - 40dBA
  • Adjustable 700-2000m3/h
  • Ozone free
  • Plug & Play
  • Easy operation
  • Requires minimal maintenance
  • Locally produced in The Netherlands



* Depending on environmental factors

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+31 (0) 345 – 745 920